From root at Thu Jul 10 01:01:37 2008 From: root at (xname) Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 01:01:37 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Dev] hello world Message-ID: Hello everybody, welcome to this mailing list, which is about the technical development of the Virtual Entity. Another list, called veDev, will be active soon. veDev is the philosophical spiraling development inspired by the concept of independent entity without owners, which is a step towards a non-state of non-property. To celebrate the birth of this list i just published the video recording of the first VE presentation, around the end of 2007 at the Chaos Computer Conference in Berlin. Have a laugh :) Cheers, xname -- E119 0FFE 447F DA7F DCE9 A703 36F6 AC68 6DD4 2D4C